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Nursing - Bryant Center

Search the Catalog

Search Tips

When searching for books, a good search strategy will help you find more relevant results. Develop a list of search terms that will help you find books related to your topic. When developing your list, consider the following:

  • Look at your research question(s). Very often research involves finding answers to research questions. Great search terms are usually in the questions you are attempting to answer.
  • Think broadly. Your specific topic will probably be discussed in books that cover a broader subject.
  • Don't forget synonyms. After you develop your list, think of words that are similar to those on your list. For example, if your search term is "American Revolution" then you would also want to search the phrase "Revolutionary War" because that is another way that war is referred to.
  • Use jargon. If there is a specialized word or phrase for your topic, that makes a great search term.
  • Search the subject headings. Databases are usually tagged with subject headings as a way to organize information around specific subjects. You can search the subject headings to get fewer but more relevant results. For example, a keyword search of "studying" may pull up a lot of results, many of which are tagged with "study skills." Running a new search for "study skills" as the subject will help you find more relevant results that may or may not have "studying" in the title or other searchable fields.

Browse the Collection

If you want to walk the shelves rather than search the catalog, start in these sections. Ask a librarian to walk you there if you aren't sure how to find them.

  • RT1-120 Nursing
  • RM301  Drug Guides
  • RM216 Diet Therapy/Clinical Nutrition
  • R726.8  Hospice Care
  • QM Human Anatomy

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