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Biology II-Webb

An presentation on credible sources related to invasive species.


National Geographic's Invasive Speciesprovides a short list of invasive species

The National Wildlife Federation's Invasive Species: provides general information about invasive species

USDA National Invasive Species Information Centerprovides a list of invasive species. Click on Species Profiles, located within the first paragraph

Mississippi Forestry Commission Invasive Plants: lists and describes Mississippi's most invasive plants

Creepy fish. Wild hogs. Obnoxious birds. What has their invasion done to Mississippi? (Clarion Ledger): a news article discussing some of the state's invasive species

Defenders of Wildlife Invasive Species in Mississippi

Google Web Search

Google Trick on how to find websites ending in .gov., .net., .edu., etc.


1) Go to Google

2) Enter your invasive species (ex: zebra mussel).

3) Narrow your search results to only show .gov, .edu, .net websites:

4) Enter the following in Google search: zebra mussel


zebra mussel 


zebra mussel

5) Notice there is a colon and a period after the word site followed with the domain name.

And that is it!